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Blockchain For Business Professional

About Blockchain business professional Certification

The GSDC Certified Blockchain For Business Professional certification is your gateway to harnessing the power of blockchain technology in today's world.

As organizations increasingly recognize the relevance of blockchain for business professionals, it's crucial to understand its potential impact on your company and industry. 

Business Professional certification, focusing on Hyperledger Technologies, equips you to assess and seize transformational opportunities, develop enterprise-focused use cases, and create a solid blockchain business case. 

By staying ahead of the curve as a certified blockchain for business professionals, you'll unlock new dimensions of value and embrace the future of business with confidence.

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Objectives of Certified Blockchain For Business Professional 

  1. Understand how blockchain technology can impact businesses
  2. Identify and seize new opportunities in blockchain
  3. Develop practical use cases for businesses
  4. Create strong justifications for implementing blockchain
  5. Evaluate and implement effective blockchain governance
  6. Improve customer experiences in blockchain applications
  7. Assess the impact on partners and channels
  8. Gain expertise in Hyperledger Technologies
  9. Stay up-to-date with the latest blockchain developments
  10. Explore potential in cryptocurrencies and ICOs

Target Audience of Blockchain For Business certification 

Product managers, ICT Professionals, Monetary Authority Professionals

Operations and technology specialists

Banking professionals, Financial Analysts

Database Administrators, Entrepreneur

Blockchain Engineers

End Users

Aspirants aiming for a career in the prospective field

Business Owners



Benefits of certified blockchain professional

Expands horizons in burgeoning blockchain industries.

Elevates job prospects in blockchain-centric positions.

Empowers strategic decision-making through blockchain acumen.

Validates mastery of Hyperledger Technologies.

Paves the path to leadership in blockchain-powered organizations.

Enhances professional credibility and reputation.

Unleashes earning potential with specialized blockchain expertise.

Propels career growth and advancement in the field.


Pre-requisites of certified Blockchain For Business Professional 

There is no such recommended experience required for getting this certification.



Exam time is 60 minutes.
40-multiple choice questions (MCQ).
26 out of 40-65% is needed to pass.
Incase Participant does not score passing % then they will be granted a 2nd attempt at no additional cost. Re-examination can be taken up to 30 days from the date of the 1st exam attempt.


Sample Certificate


EXAM SYLLABUS of certified blockchain professional

  • 1.Discovering Blockchain Technologies
    • Introduction & Learning Objectives
    • Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT)
    • Bitcoin and Ethereum Blockchains
    • Exploring Permissionless Blockchains
    • Consensus Algorithms
    • Hyperledger
    • Other Open Source Permissioned Distributed Ledgers
    • Difficulties encountered when adopting and deploying distributed ledger technologies
  • 2. Introduction to Hyperledger
    • Introduction & Learning Objectives
    • Hyperledger
    • Hyperledger Frameworks
    • Hyperledger Modules
  • 3.The Promise of Business Blockchain Technologies
    • Introduction & Learning Objectives
    • Existing Blockchain Use Cases
    • Determining the appropriate scenarios for implementing or excluding blockchain technologies
  • 4.Technical Requirements
    • Introduction & Learning Objectives
    • Installation Instructions for Linux
    • Installation Instructions for MacOS
    • Installation Instructions for Windows
  • 5.Introduction to Hyperledger Iroha
    • Introduction & Learning Objectives
    • Key Components
  • 6.Introduction to Hyperledger Sawtooth
    • Introduction & Learning Objectives
    • Tackling the issue of illicit, unregulated, and undisclosed tuna fishing (Presented case study)
    • Key Components and Transaction Flow
    • Installing Hyperledger Sawtooth
    • Writing an Application
  • 7.Introduction to Hyperledger Fabric
    • Introduction & Learning Objectives
    • Key Components and Transaction Flow
    • Installing Hyperledger Fabric
    • Understanding Chaincode
    • Chaincode Walkthrough (Demonstrated Scenario)
    • Writing an Application


Michael Brown

Designation - Blockchain Developer

I was looking for a certification that would give me authority in the blockchain industry and the GSDC Blockchain for Business Professional certification exam did just that. The exam was challenging, but it was worth it for the doors it has opened for me in my career. Highly recommend.

Elizabeth Kim

Designation - Blockchain Analyst

The GSDC Blockchain for Business Professional certification exam was a big step for me. The exam covered everything I needed to know to become an expert in blockchain technology and gave me the confidence to take on bigger and more challenging projects. I now have the authority and credibility to speak on blockchain topics with confidence. 

William Lee

Designation -Blockchain Consultant

As a blockchain consultant, the GSDC Blockchain for Business Professional certification exam was an important step for me in establishing myself as an authority in the industry. The exam was challenging and comprehensive, covering all the necessary topics in-depth. Passing the exam has given me credibility and opened up new opportunities for me. Thank you, GSDC, for helping me take my career to the next level.


Frequently Asked Questions


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