Our SME Experts

Anndy Lian
Anndy Lian
Company - DECENT Group
Designation - CEO (ASIA)
Country - Singapore

Anndy Lian is an all-rounded business strategist with more than 15 years of experience in Asia. He has provided advisory across a variety of industries for local, international and

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Andrew Welsor
Olumide Adetunji Idowu
Company - AFID Consulting
Designation - Managing Partner/CEO
Country - Nigeria

Olumide Idowu is Certified Professional Project Manager, Digital Learning, Six Sigma /Scrum and Agile Coach expert, Digital Marketing, Design Thinking & OKR certified

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Ion Teohari
Ion Teohari
Company - SC Business Future Solutions SRL
Designation - Managing Partner
Country - Romania

Ion Teohari, Diplomat Engineer in Electronics and Telecommunication is an International Certified Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, with more than 15 years

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Marcu Dumitru Daniel
Marcu Dumitru Daniel
Company - SC Business Future Solutions SRL
Designation - Managing Partner
Country - Romania

Daniel Marcu is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Certified Professional Project Manager (PMI) and Agile expert, all international certified with over 15 years

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Become a Subject Matter Expert (SME)

We are searching for qualified SMEs to participate in GSDC’s Emerging Technology Certification exam development process. SMEs will develop courseware, syllabus and standard-settings as part of our certification and exam development processes.
SME activities may include:

  • Developing Syllabus & Courseware for various Certification courses
  • Establishing the topics an exam will cover
  • Deciding eligibility requirements for exam candidates
  • Developing and evaluating exam questions
  • Determining the exam’s passing score
  • Delivering Webinars and Speaking at various global conferences for GSDC
subject matter expert

The Importance of GSDC Certification SMEs


The Benefits of GSDC Certification SMEs

Royalty percentage for each exam sold in Market

GSDC will reward for the Royalty percentage for each successful exam taken by participants for the next 3 years and a voucher to take a free live GSDC Certification exam of your choice.

Travel and networking opportunities

Once you join our SME team, you will be able to participate in delivering Webinars, Sessions at various Conferences & Summits across the globe.

Gain insight and recognition

SMEs gain insights into GSDC services and feature sets. Add to your resume, CV, or LinkedIn page that you contributed to an industry-recognized program.


Steps to Becoming a SME


Fill up the form as thoroughly and submit it. A team member may follow up for more information if needed. GSDC team will shortlist SME based on your responses. Please note that not all applicants will qualify.


If you are selected as SME, a team member will email you an invitation for next round of discussion.


Next steps will be signing NDA, partnership, Royalty sharing agreement.

Deliver Courseware

SMEs will be responsible for delivering Syllabus, Courseware, Question patterns for internal evaluation.


Select Your Subject


FAQs you might look for to become an SME:

There are lots of reasons to become an SME for GSDC.
Here are just a few:

  • Networking with your colleagues.
  • Earn Royalty fees percentage for each certification sold at Market.
  • Influence and contribute to the layout and content of GSDC certification programs.
  • Become closely affiliated with widely recognized and respected emblem of excellence within the Emerging technology community.
  • Receive recognition from peers and other industry professionals.
  • Increase your knowledge about certifications, specifically what goes into making the exams.
  • Gain additional industry knowledge.

To become an SME, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Significant experience in the certification practice area.
  • Extensive and current knowledge of the certification practice area.

Some high level of activities involved in becoming an SME are as follows –

  • Courseware Syllabus Development: SMEs analyze the practice area's job tasks to identify content to be covered by the exam.
  • Assessment Design: SMEs lay out the test content and determine the program's experience criteria.
  • Courseware Item Development: SMEs write test questions and develop courseware & any related photos/illustrations and other graphics.
  • Item Review: SMEs review and approve exam content.
  • Royalty % is decided based on contribution and courseware module. All payments are made via PayPal on quarterly basis.
  • There is no guaranteed amount towards Royalty. Its purely based on exams sold in global market
  • SME can choose to voluntarily support as well without any Royalty percentage

Yes. All SMEs are required to sign a confidentiality/non-disclosure agreement. This document protects the integrity of GSDC's certification exam and the certification program as a whole. In summary, the agreement states that volunteers will not disclose any exam content to anyone, unless authorized by GSDC.

Yes. SMEs can conduct training program but ensuring that exam content is not disclosed with anyone outside GSDC.

There is no cost associated with becoming SME.

In some cases, GSDC may be able to reimburse SMEs for travel expenses (e.g. airfare and hotel expenses) related to attending in-person meetings.

Typically meetings are held virtually from the comfort of your own homes or offices. Please note: GSDC asks that all SMEs use discretion and ensure that their location is private.

It’s not mandatory to involve company where SME is working. GSDC encourages companies to support volunteer SMEs by providing the time off from work to attend in-person workshops and virtual meetings, assisting with the travel costs associated with in-person workshops, etc. In some cases, companies have hosted GSDC test development workshops, arranging for meeting spaces, Internet connectivity, meals, and discounted hotel rates for SMEs who are travelling. While GSDC greatly appreciates organizations that support our volunteer SMEs, we can’t provide specific financial incentives to those companies as it risks a conflict of interest.

Yes. Based on request SME identity can be kept confidential.