Thank you for choosing GSDC certification. We ensure that our learners have a good experience while they purchase our certification.

As with any online purchase experience, there are terms and conditions that govern the Refund Policy. When you buy a certification from us, you agree to our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and refund policy.

Our refund policy is as follows:


Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. What is our Refund Policy?
    • The 100% Money back guarantee makes your registration 100% risk-free.If you do not pass the certification exam after two attempts, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee. We are committed to excellence, which is reflected in the quality of our certifications. That's why we feel relaxed providing the 100% cash-back guarantee to make sure that you are satisfied.
  • 2. How does Cash-back policy work?
    • Once you register for our certification you will have 7 days to cancel the subscription. But if you get dissatisfied with it then you can opt for a 100% cash-back policy. For this, make sure to contact our .