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Cloud Computing Foundation (CCF)

ABOUT Cloud Computing Foundation CERTIFICATION:

The GSDC Cloud Computing Foundation Certification (CCF) is a reputable certification that validates an individual's knowledge and skills in the core concepts of cloud computing.Designed for professionals looking to enhance their understanding of cloud computing and its applications, the Cloud Computing Certification serves as a testament to their expertise in the field. The certification exam, provided by GSDC, assesses candidates' comprehension of key topics such as virtualization, service models, deployment models, and security considerations in cloud computing.

The Cloud Computing Foundation Certification  exam evaluates candidates' ability to apply cloud computing principles to practical scenarios, covering important areas such as cloud service models (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS), cloud deployment models (public, private, and hybrid clouds), virtualization technologies, and cloud security considerations. 

As a recognized standard among employers and organizations, the CCF certification provides assurance that certified individuals possess the necessary knowledge to contribute effectively to cloud computing initiatives. 

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OBJECTIVES of Cloud Computing Foundation certification

Clear understanding of:

  • Develop a solid understanding of the core concepts and components of cloud computing.
  • Acquire knowledge about the different models for cloud services and deployment.
  • Assess the advantages and challenges associated with adopting cloud computing in organizations.
  • Explore the diverse architectures used in cloud computing.
  • Familiarize oneself with essential technologies utilized in cloud computing.
  • Identify and evaluate important considerations for ensuring cloud computing security and compliance.
  • Gain insights into cloud service providers and learn effective resource management techniques.
  • Comprehend the concepts of scalability, elasticity, and maintaining high availability in cloud environments.
  • Understand the principles of cloud computing governance and best practices.


Cloud computing Foundation is intended for everyone playing a role or having an interest in the use and management of internet-based IT services. This includes staff from internal and external service providers, their customers, and their managers.

Project manager


Cloud Engineer

Business Analyst

Cloud Consultant

Technical Architect



Expert Curated E-Learning

Learn from the best

Practice Exams

Mocks curated by SME's will help you to pass final certification exam.


Certify your achievement with a globally valid certification.



Enhance IT employability with cloud computing expertise.

Unlock diverse job opportunities in cloud roles.

Gain a competitive edge with validated cloud skills.

Increase earnings with specialized cloud knowledge.

Foster career growth in cloud computing.

Build confidence and credibility in the field.

Gain global recognition with industry certification.

Access networking opportunities with certified professionals.

Stay updated with continuous professional development.

Demonstrate commitment to excellence in cloud practices.



There are no mandatory pre-requisite for Cloud Computing Foundation but below are few recommendations.

  • Recommended to have work experience in Digital Environment.
  • Must have working knowledge in Digital Transformation.


60 minutes exam.
40 multiple-choice questions (MCQ).
26 out of 40-65% is needed to pass.
Electronic devices not permitted.
In case the participants do not score passing percentage then they will be granted a 2nd attempt at no additional cost. Re-examination can be taken up to 30 days from the date of the 1st exam attempt.

Sample Certificate



  • 1. A brief overview of Cloud Computing:
    • An Overview of Cloud Computing
    • Advantages of utilizing the Cloud
    • The five key characteristics of Cloud Computing according to NIST
    • The three Cloud service models defined by NIST
    • The four different Cloud deployment models outlined by NIST
  • 2. Adopting the Cloud:
    • Major factors influencing the adoption of cloud computing solutions
    • Assessing obstacles and challenges associated with cloud computing
    • An Overview of Considerations for designing cloud applications
    • Gaining insights into the impact of big data
    • Grasping the life-cycle of cloud applications
    • Explaining the fundamental principles of cloud automation and testing
    • Leveraging the Potential of Shadow IT
  • 3. Harnessing the Potential of Software as a Service (SaaS):
    • Defining the Nature of SaaS
    • Contrasting different service scenarios
    • Examining the technologies behind SaaS
  • 4. Providing Platform as a Service (PaaS):
    • Investigating the underlying technical infrastructure of PaaS
    • Constructing services using solution stacks
    • Overseeing cloud storage management
    • Utilizing support services
  • 5. Implementing Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) :
    • Empowering technologies
    • Gaining access to IaaS
  • 6. Developing a Business Case:
    • Grasping the extent and objective of a cloud action plan
    • Choosing a suitable cloud partner and executing a successful trial phase
    • A comprehensive comprehension of stakeholder management to optimize the success of cloud deployment
    • Assessing the financial considerations
    • Ensuring business continuity
  • 7. Transitioning to the Cloud:
    • Factors to consider from a technical perspective


Emily Briz

Designation - Software Developer

As a software developer, I found the GSDC Cloud Computing Foundation Certification (CCF) extremely valuable in improving my understanding of cloud computing concepts. The certification helped me to be more efficient at my job, and I have already noticed a positive impact on my career. Thank you, GSDC, for offering such a useful certification exam.

Thomas Evans

Designation - System Administrator

I recently took the GSDC Cloud Computing Foundation Certification (CCF) exam and was impressed by its relevance to the industry. I am confident that this certification will open new doors for me in my career. Highly recommend it! 

Anna Rodriguez

Designation - IT Professional

The GSDC Cloud Computing Foundation Certification (CCF) was exactly what I needed to kickstart my journey into the cloud computing industry. The certification helped me to gain a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts, and I feel much more confident working with cloud technologies. I appreciate the credibility this certification has given me and the opportunities it has created for me in my career.


Frequently Asked Questions


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The Global Skill Development Council (GSDC) is an independent, vendor-neutral, international credentialing and certification organization for the emerging technologies:

  • Advisory board members and SMEs are from around the world, drawn from different specializations.
  • Supported by the world's most esteemed thought leaders from Yale, MIT, Stanford, Wharton, and Harvard.
  • Hub of Trending Technologies and framework certifications.
  • Content curated by Industry's best Subject matter experts.
  • Webinars and Conferences.
  • Training Partners Across The Globe.