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Certified Generative AI in marketing

ABOUT Generative AI in marketing CERTIFICATION

The GSDC's Generative AI in Marketing Certification is a specialized certification for marketing professionals who want to use generative AI in their marketing initiatives.With the help of Generative AI Marketing Certification, professionals will have the skills and knowledge necessary to employ generative AI for activities like content production, individualized marketing, and consumer engagement.

With this certification, professionals can successfully implement personalized marketing campaigns. It will give them access to different use cases, which include content creation, Image and video production, search engine optimization, personalization, etc. Professionals will also get to know about AI tools like Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), ChatGPT, Jasper AI, etc.

This certification also discusses ethical issues in AI-driven marketing and encourages ethical AI usage. The program prepares professionals to become experts who can generate marketing breakthroughs, enhance customer experiences, and stay competitive in the ever-evolving field of digital marketing with the use of generative AI.


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objectives Of generative ai in marketing certification

1. Display practical proficiency in generative AI..
2. Innovate and devise solutions utilizing generative AI..
3. Skillfully handle the intricacies of AI-driven technologies..
4. Showcase expertise in AI-generated synthetic media..
5. Play a part in the ever-evolving realm of artificial intelligence..
6. Confirm practical skills in applying generative AI..
7. Drive progress in the technology of generative AI.

TARGET AUDIENCES For Certified generative ai in Marketing

Marketing Professionals

Chief technical officers

Chief information officers

Change practitioners and managers

Program/ Project Head

Advertising Professionals

Product Managers

Academics and Researchers

Marketing Consultants

Portfolio Strategists


BENEFITS Of generative ai in marketing certificate

Ensure the Competitiveness in the AI Revolution: By obtaining a Generative AI Marketing Certification, professionals will remain at the vanguard of the AI revolution. This certification offers a unique opportunity to equip yourself with the latest skills, strategies, and techniques in Generative AI.

Improve professional career with advanced AI Skills: The certification will also help professionals improve their career aspects by offering the in-demand AI skills that are highly required in the industry.

Enhance the Professional Profile with Vital AI Skills: Generative AI opens up numerous avenues for unleashing professional's creativity, enabling them to create novel and innovative solutions and processes. Strengthen their professional capabilities with this certification.

Stay Informed About the Latest AI Trends: This certification provides valuable insights into the fundamental concepts of Generative AI and its transformative impact on the ongoing AI revolution. It sheds light on the positive influence it has on the field of AI.

Explore Diverse Industrial Applications: The Generative AI Marketing Certification offers comprehensive knowledge about generative AI and its techniques, opening doors to exciting career opportunities in various industries.

Join a Thriving AI Community: Enroll in this certification to connect with a vibrant community of AI enthusiasts, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing among like-minded individuals.

Harness the Power of ChatGPT Technology: This certification empowers professionals to leverage ChatGPT technology developed by OpenAI, enabling them to create advanced AI chat systems.

Contribute to Ethical AI Adoption: This certification not only has immense potential but also equips professionals to drive ethical AI adoption, emphasizing the use of AI technologies for the betterment of society.

By considering the benefits mentioned above of Generative AI, professionals will realize that they have positioned themselves as a valuable asset for future employment opportunities.

Don't miss the opportunity to enroll in the Generative AI in Marketing Certification and unlock your AI potential!




For this certification it would be beneficial to have marketing related knowledge and skills.


EXAMINATION of Certified Generative AI in marketing

60-minutes exam.
40-multiple choice questions (MCQ).
26 out of 40-65% is needed to pass.
In case the participant does not score the passing percentage, they will be granted a 2nd attempt at no additional cost. Re-examination can be taken up to 30 days from the date of the 1st exam attempt.






Designation - AI Trainer

The certification was fantastic, although it assumed some prior knowledge of AI concepts. If the prerequisite modules are also great. The overall certification helped me to get the best professional career in AI.


Designation - Digital Marketer

This accreditation has given me access to new employment prospects in Generative AI Advertising. I was able to start using AI-driven marketing tactics right away, and as a result, my business grew significantly. 


Designation - Marketer

I loved the ethical debates and the emphasis on ethical AI use. For more useful ideas, additional real-world case studies Generative AI for Marketing Certification is helpful.


Frequently Asked Questions


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